Quick ways to rub out unwanted people

Sometimes you just have to delete people from your tree, its sad, but true.  I went down the wrong branch with the Fisher family, and had about 20 people in that family before I found out it was the wrong Fisher's.

It takes a long time to delete whole families using Legacy, so here are a few quick shortcuts I found:

On Ancestry:  Open your tree, then open the <list all people> view.  Go to the person you want to delete and click on the little person icon (sell below)

Then click on the pencil when the shortcut appears.

The <quick edit> box will appear, just click on the <Delete this person> in the bottom right hand corner and you will have deleted them.

In Legacy I go to the Index of names, find the person I want to delete, right click and hit delete. Easy!

WARNING : be careful!  back up your program before you  delete, so that you can re-instate any ancestor you accidently rub out!



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